Monday, July 14, 2008

While we're on the subject of Japan....

All I have to say is this.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the YouTube link! I hope you don't mind if I use it in a follow-up blog. I also hope you don't mind if I continue to check out your blog. I like that it's so different. And how cool is it that you met Jared Hess?

Kristina P. said...

Did you ever see the Japanese bidet commercial? Dooce had it on her blog, and then I stole it and put it on mine. It's hilarious. The Japanese produce some crazy stuff, but my husband LOVES Ninja Warrior. I sort of do too.

Kristina P. said...

Lobbie, here's the link to the bidet commercial. Enjoy!

Tiff said...

Dave says that milk commercial was basically Japanese porn.

He said it wasn't a real commercial and that "Bukkake" means not-nice things.
